Friday, April 10, 2015

Los Laureles Ranch House at Mittie Cultural Park

Reconstruction of building which was moved from Nueces County which was first owned by Charles Stillman and other ranching families that followed in the King Ranch legacy.

I'll back up on this story later maybe get to the history part of it later.
No one believed anything would come of this.
And it sat on blocks and stilts for a while.  
Just look at all that shade around it.  4/2015
King Ranch cowboys maybe?
 Marco Rodriguez laying down the ceiling green 4/2015
 Ricardo Carlos of Rival Builders shows us contrasting exterior wall blue 4/2015
Surface preparation and paint.  I do not know about paint but guess this is water based as it would have been originally and it's supposed to have a faded weathered look to it.  4/2015

[more updates later]

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