Saturday, April 11, 2015

City of Brownsville - downtown late 70's early 80's?

Photos courtesy of Planning Department - City of Brownsville
 11th and E Adams St
Maldonado Pharmacy later moved right across the street.  Hotel Economico and Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral at left.

11th and E Adams St
This was the Park Hotel 1912

12th and E Adams (back of building facing Market Square)
 11th St and Market Square

Market Square (back of building facing Market Square)  Thanks to Roman Mc Allen for sharing these with us.

Bernie Whitman's Army Store will be reposted with more info.  See "Businesses of Brownsville, Texas" video posted on this blog or search it on YouTube.


  1. Downtown always had a certain scent. Not a bad scent, just unique.

  2. Please post a link to the video. I can not find it on YouTube.
    Thank you for sharing your memories with us. I lived in Brownsville until I was 11. Going into Whitman's is one of my good childhood memories.

    1. that's the link to "Businesses of Brownsville, Texas" on YouTube. On the top left corner of this blog you can search any story published here by typing in a search word or phrase and that will take you directly to post. Hope that helps

  3. Porfavor pongan fotos o vídeos de eventos en el cine Victoria a finales de los 60 y principios de los 70s, busco a una muchacha de ese tiempo, ella se llamaba Ramona Vázquez le gustaba cantar y concursaba en el programa de aficionados de Rubén Benavides, cualquier info se agradece.

  4. When did Whitmans close?
