Saturday, May 16, 2015

2015 Rishayan the Hobo in Brownsville, Texas

Here's an interesting look into the life of a homeless person migrating to Brownsville, Texas from Houston to beat the cold with future plans to travel to North Carolina.


  1. This guy knows how to speak Spanish almost like a Mexican. There is a video of him on Youtube talking to the camera about how The United States stole the state of Texas from Mexico; he calls Santa Ana every cursing word in Spanish (being a total idiot is the softest adjective used). In this video he calls "hoboing" work? Do these people know that there is a city ordinance against pandling for money in the streets?
    Mr. Editor of this blog, if you are going to show this guy, maybe you should tape this other guy that stands by the expressway asking for money. He carries a sign that he is HIV positive, now he also wears a losen iv connection, he gets in between the cars and begs for money. One time I told him it was against the local ordinance to do that and he said he would be picked up and let go.
    The guy in this video,.aside from the fact he is a hobo, speaks like an educated man.

    1. I do not intend to tape any hobos but do have a video of one with a motored-bicycle. Thanks for noticing how educated the man speaks. We don't know his whole story and I rather not view all his other posts right now but if he says that the USA stole Texas I'll believe him. The ordinance against panhandlers doesn't seem like it's being enforced much tho'. We need to stop enabling these people by not giving them money. The city offers food and shelter for these homeless people but they rather spend our loose change and dollar bills on their own choice of sustenance even if its drugs that sustain them.
