Tuesday, July 5, 2016

2016 0705 Jefferson Stone Marker Removed!

Photo sent by anonymous person -  "Morning Walker"
Last night while the rest of us were celebrating this nation's birthday, the Jefferson Davis stone, which stood off the corner of Washington Park on E Adams and 7th street, mysteriously disappeared without any clues as to the exact method used to remove it.  A city employee discovered the strange theft early this morning.  City officials and law enforcement were immediately  notified.

Investigators questioned members of several activist groups who participated in the Juneteenth event that was held at the park two weeks ago.  As expected, all fingers pointed to the organizer of the event who has been named as a person of interest.  Although we published his name in earlier posts, we are withholding it unless he is officially named as a suspect. 

We will update this story as soon as we obtain more information but expect an arrest to occur by this afternoon.  If you have any knowledge about this crime please contact the Brownsville Police Department only if you can provide specific names or a description of people, vehicles or special hoisting equipment used to commit this despicable act.

And remember - you're only a rat if you rat on your friends so please cooperate with the police in this case.

*************  UPDATED 7/9/2016 ********************
We'll take a brief look at this situation which quietly unfolded online after the faked photo was posted on our sister page on Facebook.  The post was made about 10 a.m. the morning after the Fourth of July.  Some people were shocked but everybody kept their cool.

I even posted video of "Rock Fight" song by Cheech and Chong which opens with Pedro de Pacas (played by Cheech Marin) with his wailing voice imitating the sound of a police siren which transitions into a wicked laugh....  It's fun to watch the opening scene with the cop but the song fit the situation apropos.
I want all you mother's off the street
Or you'll end up as bloody meat
World war three has just begun
So if you can't rock you'd better run
A new wave is on the rise
With safety pins stuck in their eyes
The time has come let's get it down
Let's find a way to dance around
At the rock fight,
Tonight there's gonna be a rock fight
I have to look into the cock fights
There might even be a fist fight
At the rock fight,

 Later in the afternoon it was inevitable that someone would actually check on the stone to verify and sure enough it happened but by this time the hoax had already been confirmed.
That poor rock had taken a lot of abuse from the rock haters who want to remove it so at least they got to have their fantasy. 
 You never know what you'll see on Bronsbil Estacion.  Thanks to all who can take a joke.
Brownsville Parks & Recreation must have received a few calls because they posted this on their Facebook page with the message:  "All are well, taken today at Washington Park" in reference to all the markers in the park very few people living in Brownsville realize exist.  By the way it is the "Jefferson Davis" stone but you spotted that when you read the original post heading.  ;)
Not quite an apology to B.E. friends but more like a thank you note. 
Please don't mess with Brownsville, Texas History