Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Amelia Earhart and Alexandra Garcia in Brownsville, Texas

Photos by Cynthia Martinez Garcia

"Here are the pics of my Alexandra Garcia's project. It was a 2nd grade GT project she did this past year. She attends Benavides Elementary here in Brownsville Texas. She had so much fun going all over Brownsville to get info and researched on several websites. All the information is accurate. I posted the pics of the board 2x incase you could not see them clearly. Now, she that we know about your fb page, she will enjoy learning more about Brownsville's history."
~ Cynthia Martinez Garcia

Alexandra Garcia

Informational panels and presentation photos at Benavides Elementary

Alexandra Garcia and teacher.

Transcontinental fligt be Amelia Earhart
Historic Brownsville International Airport

Interior  lobby Hotel El Jardin-December 14 1926- JCazares

Here's the fb comments under a very rare interior look of El Jardin discovered by Jose Cazares 

Cynthia Martinez Garcia Thank you for posting this awesome picture! My daughter's 2nd grade project was on Amelia Earhart and she included info about this hotel. Charles Lindbergh had a party there after he made the first ever air mail flight to Mexico city and arriving in Brownsville Pan Am airport. They both stayed there.
Cynthia Martinez Garcia She says the pic is so pretty and amazing.
Bronsbil Estación Ask your daughter if she wants her project posted on our blog and we'll add some picture to it.  thanks -- didnt know about the Charles Lindbergh party - that must have been a lot of fun
Cynthia Martinez Garcia Yes, she would love it. I will send you pics later. She loved doing the research. She just turned 8 a few weeks. Thank you.
Cynthia Martinez Garcia I inbox messaged some of the pics from her project.

There was no need to add photos to Alexandra's awesome project.  This is something new for Bronsbil Estacion.  If you want to send some pics of some family history or your kid's story in sports just like Rene Torre's softball stories contact us brownsvilletrain@yahoo.com    Just like that.  

Thanks Cynthia Martinez Garza!


  1. My daughter enjoys reading the information you post and the looking at the pictures on your blog. She shared her project, because of the wonderful picture of the Hotel Jardin you posted recently. She said, "Look mom, the hotel Amelia Earhart stayed at. I wrote about it in my research project." So, thank you for sharing her pictures and project on your blog. Cynthia Garcia, Alexandra's mom

    1. Alexandra has a natural gift and love for her home which no doubt comes from good guidance at home and at school. Bronsbil Estacion is truly honored to be given the opportunity to share with our readers who also have a child-like fascination and mature appreciation of our local history; much of which is of national and state significance. Thank you for your collaboration Cynthia.

  2. El Jardin Hotel – first time I was introduced to pay toilets/ Early 50’s

  3. I was pleasantly surprised to see my niece Alexandra's project here. Very nice job *meow* *meow*
