Saturday, June 3, 2017

Social Justice Warrior (a.k.a. the Rock Hater) Strikes Out Again

by Javier R. Garcia

The social justice warrior (SJW) strikes out again - emboldened by support from his fanatic cult-like followers.  He likes to use my name to gain publicity but that doesn't always work well for him.  Last year he called the police on me for "tagging" him on Facebook ONE TIME and the Brownsville Police detective actually called me on the phone about it.  Antonio likes to exaggerate (lie) and beg for sympathy.
For any sane person to understand what has transpired to get to this point of ludicrousness, they'd have to turn in all their marbles.  I don't ask that of anyone.  His post was made May 29 in response to a comment I made about him on April 12th.  Just read on from this point and I'll insert a word here or there but don't expect it to make sense (or scroll down to confederate flag with that Cheezmeh guys head in it then bounce back here).  No I'm not sorry for the confusion.
I meant to say liberal apologists for lack of better words known to me.  These left-over hippies from a forgotten drug-crazed generation cling to him like flies on sh*t.  His other followers are jobless video-game playing post adolescent millennials, abortionists and atheists (the type that promote chaos) and new brand of Chicano activists who identify themselves as native or indigenous Americans who want to separate themselves from "white-American" society and reclaim lands lost after War with Mexico.  In my opinion - a  bunch of crackpots!

So his li'l friends chime in to show support and don't seem to notice their wise leader didn't have the wisdom to set his page's private settings.  Mind you, this was on Veteran's Day and the SJW is a veteran.  I do not know or care what division of armed forces he joined but to be called a coward on his own page and not respond proves my point.  He should have proved his claim about me harassing him.  I only called him out in the past after he went after me and tried to shame me by calling me a neo-Confederate sympathizer because I didn't agree with his racist attack against several people.
Not once did he comment to explain himself.  He insinuated I harassed him and his family but doesn't show proof - just this "paper trail" bullsh*t he started with.  Hey Tony - everything we write online can be scooped up and gathered like a piece of dogsh*t in a New York minute if there is any investigating needed to be done.  I thought he knew - so he has nothing to fear from me as I never threatened him but he's good and making little things seem worse than they are.  I just wanted to have a word with him.  That's all - online or in person - to ask him why he called the police on me rather than speak to me about it like a man would.  I never threatened him.
More supportive comments from his valiant friends but not a peep from him.  To understand the SJW just pay attention to what he says.  If he calls you a racist, he is really the racist.  If he says someone is obsessed with him, he is really the one who is obsessed etc etc.
We should backtrack a bit to April when there was a local election going on and Erasmo Castro - The Cheezmeh guy who needs no introduction here, was being targeted by the cowardly Antonio through an online publication, NETA.  Antonio wrote an article to undermine Castro's bid for public office - something Antonio aspired to when he returned to Brownsville with his agenda to remove all references to civil war or presidents who owned slaves (i.e. Washington Park, Jefferson Davis memorial stone there and other such nonsense).  

By the way, NETA was the source of a controversy recently when two female social justice warriors attacked a popular artist well-known and respected in the historical and art community of Brownsville but that's another story.  The source, NETA, like Antonio and the two self-proclaimed Chicana artists that used it to attack another artist from Brownsville, has biggtime issues with skin color and their Mexicaness and the "white" oppressors they imagine are making life hell for them.  I know it sounds crazy but that's the way I see them so if that makes me crazy too so be it....
Anyway I "warned" the Cheez and thought that would end it until two other Facebookers insinuated themselves into the banter which is what causes all this Facebook drama we all hear about.  What I wrote about Antonio is the truth:  He likes to cause controversy over the stupidest things that offend him and like-minded fools.
Online controversy attracts more controversy and the SJW is no different.  Mar is a local attorney obsessed with Castro  (I do not know the reason) and Serrano is the former owner of B.A.M. (Brownsville Arts & Music) which closed it's location downtown.  Both begged for attention so I'm letting them have it here.

Never get between a dog and his bone.
If you'll recall, the SJW tried telling readers of our local newspaper in a opinion piece that the majority of people in Brownsville were "mestizos" which is a racist category the hypocrite uses to get his point across which never makes sense.  In closing, this is my paper trail sample of the SJW's latest idiocy.  I wont be spending too much time worrying about him or his fanatical followers unless he begs me to.  
Click on this ---> "Mestizo"  to see my bisection of the essay he wrote to local newspaper.

**************  UPDATE  ***************
Here's an addendum to this wasteful blog entry.  The SJW has irritated others with his racist attitude.
 It seems that Raul has been in disagreement with the SJW and was probably a target of Antonio's manipulative method of playing the victim and making others seem "like the bad guy."  I have never met Raul but he saw Antonio's post on Antonio's FB page targeting me and reposted and "tagged" me to alert me and two others so we had some fun at the SJW's expense.
By contacting me, perhaps Raul alludes to the proverb that states "enemy of my enemy is my friend" which would apply here if the SJW was a threat but it seems that the SJW's antics have finally wore thin and he is no longer successful at stirring up discontent and support from his local followers who had on a few occasions joined him in his hatred for the confederate rock memorial in Washington Park.
Antonio also tried to shame "Mike" but again, people are starting to see what a coward the SJW is.
The next line is shocking, weird, repulsive and ridiculously funny at the same time.  Maybe I should ask for these "inboxes" that prove it.  No one is bashing gays here -- just the thought of Antonio teaching gay sex to children.  That just seems odd but I guess he wants that.
Hopefully the SJW will go away and stop harassing people and playing victim.  Until then, I reserve the right to defend my character from the stigmas he tries to attach to me and to reciprocate without the need for a direct retaliatory act against him.  


  1. That lying lunatic tried to attack me but I never responded instead I pressed charges on him and his minions. they are evil, vindictive and narcissist. But they are just like crickets. they make a lot of noise till you get near them and they shut their mouths. He claimed I was a racist and made up more ridiculous lies. The 7 people who were coming after me with him the police showed me were mostly all in trouble with the law. From food stamp fraud, to theft, to fraud and the list goes on and on. They spew hate and make false claims on everyone . You have to ask yourself what would possess them to do such things. Satan himself rules their miserable lives. BUt this time the messed with the wrong person because I am one of God's warriors and god fights my battles and does NOT lose. They threatened my life. They egged on people to call for my murder, the murder of my 2 young sons, they also were asking for me to be sold as a sex slave and tortured and killed. Bunch of raging lunatics. they claimed they had proof I was a racist that hated Mexicans but of course they had NOTHING because it was a lie and they were hoping I would respond so that my 6.9 million followers on favebook would know about these sick people but I did not and they went away because they had NOTHING to stand on but their ridiculous lies. Psalms 37 is for all those cowards and they will answer to GOD!

    1. I'm pretty sure you sent his arse back to the desert of Nevada where he belongs.
