1910's unspecified Robert Runyon drugstore photo
Mr. J.L. Calderoni, proprietor of the City Drug Store,
Brownsville, Texas
Mr. Calderoni states in substance as follows:
“I have never handled Marihuana at my drug
store and would not handle it, as it is a very dangerous drug and injurious to
health when smoked, causing the user to become crazy and run amuck. I
will recite a little incident that happened which has always made me very
afraid of marihuana smokers. When I was a young man I was invited by a
very close friend of mine to visit with him a young lady to whom my friend was
engaged to be married. During the evening this friend signified his
intention to try a smoke of Marihuana. Although I had never smoked it I
had some in my pocket at the time and as he was anxious to try it I gave him
some. He made a cigarette and smoked it. Soon afterwards I left
the house. The next morning I received a note from the young
lady to be careful and keep away from my friend as he was trying to find me and
kill me. This was about ten o’clock in the morning and the effects of
the drug were still with him. Upon meeting my friend after the effects
of the drug had worn off, I told him of the circumstances and of my having
received the letter from his fiancee warning me to keep out of his way.
He said he knew nothing of the effect that the drug had had upon him and of his
intention to kill me, so we laughed it off and thought it quite a joke.
“In Mexico the ignorant people of the poorer
class living in the country and mountains do not employ a doctor to attend to
their women at child birth. It is not an uncommon thing for them to ad minister
a tea made out of the following herbs: ‘Culantrillo de Mexico’ (Maiden hair of
Mexico); ‘Romero’ (Rosemary leaves); ‘Alusema’ (Lavender leaves); and
‘Marijuana’, believing that it is essential for the successful delivery of the
“I believe that the sale of Cannabis indica
should be controlled under the Harrison Anti-Narcotic law. Physicians
never prescribe the herb and druggists never use it in the preparation of
medicine. It is sold in package from and in bulk solely for smoking

3/14/17 Brownsville Drug Company,
Jose Martinez, proprietor, stated in substance
as follows:
“I have never used the herb in its leaf form,
use the extract only. I have been at the above drug store for nine
years. Sometimes I have a call for Marihuana from Mexicans of the lower
class. I do not think that the Mexicans that come here for Marihuana
live in Brownsville, but live in Matamoros, Mexico, across the river from
Brownsville. They are accustomed to obtaining the weed there, and so
when they are here they come to drug stores, thinking that they can also obtain
it. I have not filled a prescription for Cannabis for many years.
This drug should be controlled under the narcotic law as it is extremely
dangerous to health. In the form of the herb it is never prescribed by
physicians or used by druggists, in the preparation of medicine, it being
bought and used for smoking purposes.”
M. J. Garcia, Brownsville
(Mr. Garcia is a Mexican born in
Mr. Garcia states in substance as follows:
I have been in business here for 13 years
handling general produce. Smoking Marihuana dries up the brain,
and the victim finally loses his mind completely. Drunkenness is nothing
compared to the effects of smoking marihuana. The U.S. Government should
do something to prohibit the sale of marihuana. It should be added to
the list of narcotics prohibited under the Harrison Narcotic Law.
3/13/17 Esteban G. Orsuna, Ex-Justice of
the Peace., Brownsville, Texas
Mr. Orsuna stated in substance as follows:
“I used to sell marihuana in my store,
together with other Mexican herbs. I was advised some time ago that it
was against the law and have not sold any since. I have nine children.
When each of these children was born we employed a “partera” who gave
“Te de Marihuana” (Marihuana tea) as follows: A pinch of Marihuana, as much as
you would get between the thumb and first and second fingers, boiled in half a
cup of water, strained and drunk morning and night for a period of one month before
time of child birth. This prevents the woman from feeling any pain at
child birth.”
J.L. Putegnat & Bro., Druggists.
Mr. Putegnat stated in substance as follows:
I have been at this drug store since 1865 but
have not handled Cannabis Indica in the herb form for over 5 years. It
is a drug which in the herb form is never prescribed by a physician and is of
no use to a to a druggist in the preparation of medicine, it being used only
for smoking purposes. It is necessary to put this drug on the narcotic
list and control it in all of its forms. I have a call for Marihuana
about once a month - always from Mexicans. When the drug is
smoked the user becomes wild and raving mad and imagines that he sees all sort
of things and hears noises. He does not stagger like one under the
influence of liquor but seems to be in a complete daze. In this
condition he is very dangerous. I have often wondered why the
Government never passed a law prohibiting the sale of this article. I
stopped selling it long ago when I found out what the effects of it were.”
1895 ad -- Eagle Pharmacy lasted until 1960s
Eagle Pharmacy, Brownsville
Mr. E.R. Howard, part proprietor of the above
store, stated as follows:
“I have been with this concern for six years
and we have never handled the herb in any form. We found out years ago
that it is very bad and although we have had, and do now have, many calls for
it, have never put in a stock of it. We probably had as many as a half
dozen calls a day for Marihuana years go, but lately since they know we do not
handle it we have a call only now and then. These are from people from
Matamoros, Mexico, and not from Mexicans living in Brownsville. Mr. M.
Cisneros, a drug clerk at this store, was formerly a drug clerk in Matamoros,
Mexico, where he said he used to sell a lot of Marihuana to Mexican soldiers’
wives, who would come and get it, as the soldiers were not allowed to buy it.
They would then smuggle it into the barracks with the dinner”.
1907 ad
Willman’s Pharmacy, Brownsville
3/14/17 W.G. Willman stated in substance, as
I have not sold Marihuana for 10 years.
I would not handle this stuff. It should be controlled under the
narcotic law in all of its forms. It is never prescribed by a physician
and is on no use to a druggist in the preparation of medicine. We have
nor about two calls a month for marihuana from low class Mexicans.
Mexicans living in Brownsville do not call for it as they know we do not handle
it. Those calling for it must be from Matamoros or transients from some
part of Mexico.”