Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2018 Brownsville's Most Boring Blogger is Jim Barton

The dirty ol' geezer is a complimentary sort of fellow.

This private message was in-boxed to me on Facebook.  This is not the first time I have heard of this about Jim Barton. 

Jimbo wants the City of Brownsville, Texas to make everything perfect for him.  That will make him a happy person.  If you want to be bored out of your skull watch video in it's entirety by clicking BORING VIDEO OF JIM BARTON link.  WARNING:  It really is BORING.
Jim Barton is known as the "Kiss of Death" for those running for political office.  If he endorses you, you might as well throw in the towel.  
Jim Barton Jr does Photoshop images for his father's blog to insult people in the community.  He almost got sued because of it but charges were dropped after ol' Jimbo removed the offensive blog post and could not afford an attorney to defend his dumbass.
Photo of James Barton Jr. (a.k.a. Diego Lee Rot) at family estate last Thanksgiving when they killed a few pigeons with a pellet gun and had a feast.  Jim Barton Jr earns a living from advertisers by how many viewers watch his YouTube videos.  He needs your support.  Please support him by watching video of him ridiculing some of our downtown "street" people by handing out free beer.  The first guy is an obvious phony.  It's Bartin Jr's cousin maybe.  Some of his videos have a kind of "so stupid they're funny" quality to them.  A chip off the ol' blockhead.
Here's a father-son VIDEO project they worked on together.  James Jr pretends to be mentally retarded but he probably does it to embarrass his family for controlling him all those years they were fooled into being Jehovah's Witnesses.

Jim Barton thinks I am angry over a rock that snowflakes want removed.  Sorry Jim - This is all for you - to make you feel like someone important that people care about.  


  1. I feel sorry for his wife.

  2. Him and his wife live in the edge of hopelessness.

  3. A perfect example of white trash
