Saturday, August 26, 2017

Robert Runyon Family Portraits and Ft Brown Oddities

 We don't know who this family is but here are a few random portrait photos from the Robert Runyon Collection
 Mayor Benjamin Kowalski and sons
 R.B. Creager maybe
Early 1900s photo of a man simply identified as Charly Allen, the majority of black families lived along railroad tracks behind Amigo Mall area and by the 1940s their children attended the Frederick Douglas school near railroad tracks and Palm Blvd.
Another unusual photo from the Runyon collection is this photo of the King Carter Band out of Houston, Texas who we can probably surmise was taken while visiting Brownsville when jazz music was a new trend sweeping across America.
 Sightseeing soldiers
 He's higher than a tent

 Mr Handsinpocket
 Corporal Leanonatree
 Cabeza de Baca
 Cabrito and conejo on the menu tonight
 Before the ocelot was an endangered species
 Brothers in Arms
 Cactus Jack and the Jerk-offs

Having a picnic on the river's edge

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