Saturday, June 19, 2021

2021 Brownsville Texas Award Recipient


Not to brag but I finally won this year's Texas Bullshitter Award (Brownsville recipient) which came as a surprise because I was up against politicians, lawyers, city and county workers, used car salespeople, friendly neighbors and barflies.

This much coveted award was created in the 1980s in Austin, Texas by a secret committee based in Dallas-Ft Worth.  As you know, no one can pile bullshit higher than a Texan so just about anyone born and living in Texas qualifies.  Bullshitter chapters in 70 cities across Texas each year select and vote on who they will choose to receive the tri-gold-plated belt buckle valued at $478.52.

Recipients can only receive the prize by diving in and sifting through a ton of cow manure which is delivered to their driveway (or as close to their doorstep as possible).  I used a snow shovel to make quick work of it.  If you're wondering what a Texan would need with a snow shovel but if I stated why you would just think it's bullshit so why bother explaining?