Monday, March 16, 2020

Del Mar Beach (Boca Chica Beach today) as pseudo 1930's advertisement

Aerial photo from the Les Mauldin Collection - courtesy of Junita Mauldin

 Miriam Wilde became a local media sensation 
READ about the Del Mar Beach Resort in this article by Allan Thomas!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

1929 Aerial Photo of Early 1900s Failed Rice Mill in Brownsville, Texas

Aerial photo courtesy of Junita Ginn Mauldin
Let's take a lok at a failed Texas Agricultural Experiment in Brownsville, Texas.  Our local library did not have a cop of Norman Rozeff's book on the topic of Sugar Mills in South Texas but check this link a link after viewing this pictorial look back at our little known local history. 
 Excerpt from Norman Rozeff's publication on the subject of Sugarcane industry in South Texas
 1914 Sanborn Map clipping
 1929 overview with streets and landmarks identified (from Les Mauldin photo collection)
Google Maps comparison image
 Early 1900's Robert Runyon photos of rice mill

 1938 1014 Brownsville Herald news-clipping with news of a devastating fire

Sunday, March 8, 2020

1950's Brownsville, Texas downtown window displays

 Photo negatives from the A "Pat" Rogers photo negative collection