Monday, May 28, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 2018

1930s - Stormy Beginning for Mauldin Family

Just a few storm photos courtesy of Junita Mauldin
 1930-31 home on Boca Chica Blvd near Brownsville Airport
 One bedroom home built by Les Mauldin.  His wife Etelka "Tita" and daughter Junita in doorway.  An outhouse was later added next to building.

 Junita Mauldin standing holding her birthday cake
 Three candles
 Playing in mud after a storm

 1933 storm removed second home on Boca Chica property from cement blocks

 Front door had antique hinges with layer of copper sheeting formed around them by Les Mauldin
 Junita on the outhouse with door blown off
By 1933 the one-bedroom home was a storage shed.  This photo was probably taken by Charles Hardin.  His wife, Katherine is seen holding broken pieces of furniture while Etelka "Tita" Mauldin poses with a smile. The ladies are all wearing bright white while Les is dirty from all the clean-up work.  Junita looks like she is holding mangoes.