Thursday, April 30, 2015

1860s - On the Levee with an Artist and Photographer

In the 1860's  the Rio Grande was much closer to E Levee and 12th 
Artist Theodore Gentilz painting of Brownsville, Texas.  
 The sky may be overdone but here's an enhancement.  
 Levee St. Brownsville, Texas ca. 1865-66 photo by Louis de Planque
SMU Central University Libraries
^^ click that for 1860s photos ^^
Louis de Planque enhanced photo.

Save RGV from LNG

** Copied from SAVE RGV from LNG Facebook page **

The Texas LNG site is within 2 miles of Port Isabel, putting the town in the evacuation zone. The prevailing south-southeast winds will blow its pollution straight toward Port Isabel HighSchool, and it will be plainly visible from the causeway and from the Island. Please help us mobilize to tell Texas LNG "NO!" and to shame the Brownsville Navigation District for approving such a dangerous and destructive project so close to our communities. Click here to join the protests Tuesday and Wednesday in Brownsville and Port Isabel.

^^ 163 page document printed in 2004 ^^

Note to self:  Maybe you need to start paying attention to this

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

1936 St. Joseph Academy

Robert Wagner Jr. (2nd from L) and friends on school float.  Simpler times.  Photo shared by William Quinones.

When they disappear...

Oops.  Sorry - bottom pic should read:  11th and E Adams

2012 Build a Better Block

Several Build a Better Block projects were tried downtown.  These photos were taken as city workers and volunteers all stepped in to tidy things up a bit around Market Square.

 This was in 2012.  Sorry if you missed out.

This restaurant has since closed.  The food was great.

This was a one fire hydrant of two which me and one downtown business owner volunteered to give a fresh coat of paint.  Maybe you can put on your glasses and find it in the next post..  It was okay'd by the City Fire Department - no prob.

Pan-Am Clock - Jean B Eckhoff Memorial Chimes

 First National Bank October 10, 1912 E Elizabeth and 11th St...
 ... with a new clock added about 1950 according to that Ford.  These old clocks can still be found in cities across America restored on old bank buildings.  But not in Brownsville, Texas.
E Elizabeth and 11th St corner today 
 Pan Am Bank early 1970's maybe ... with clock recycled since 1944 supposedly.
  Pan Am Bank early 1970's and new signage.  3D signage is something we lost a lot of downtown.
 1976 ground breaking ceremony for building of clock tower.  Many names of people in that photo are still well remembered today by longtime Brownsville residents.
 Arnulfo Oliveira again....

Jean B. Eckhoff, a retired board member of the college board saved the bell and gave ot to the college to fix and use.  So it was fixed, polished, installed and dedicated to the new section of library around 1990.  It was a nice addition to the college and they've done a lot to preserve the historical assets of  Brownsville, Texas.  Maybe we'll take a look at that someday here on this blog. 

Tierra de Nadie ~ No Man's Land

Tierra de Nadie was filmed in most part in downtown and the UTB/TSC college at the time.  What I recall is that it was a pilot for a sci-fi series for television kind of like X-Files which would have a different paranormal investigation including UFOs, ghosts, chupacabras.. you get the picture.  I'll probably never find out exactly why it never reached the airwaves or if we maybe missed it but will update later.  Enjoy the photos and video at the end for now!
 Ft. Brown nurse cares for boy sick from yellow fever.  Late 1800's maybe.  The actor is John Elizondo.
 Uh oh.. I think she was maybe his mother.
Twenty-first century news reporter sells editor on idea for paranormal investigation at college which was once a U.S. Army Fort.
 I really don't know how the hell this fits in with the story which I make up as we go along ... I'll ask Dr. Ernesto Elizondo on the right later on.  And WHAT is that poster chart in the background about?
 OK!  This is my favorite part!  The investigative reporter is in the library reading up on the haunted history of the Fort Brown and deaths from Yellow Fever, cholera, and all sorts of gruesome diseases.  Well looky here ...
 ... now she done stirred up a ghost to come creep up on on her.
 Local talent was cast for many parts in the filming of this pilot.

There are several stories told by night employees of the college who have reported seeing a boy "with sunken eyes... all black" that is looking for his mother or silently floats towards people who run away scared.  Another tie-in to the story is of a woman asking where the hospital is at then disappears.  These incidents, all told by different employees, share similarities and occurred in a closed fence area that used to be between the library and student center at the time (70's thru 90's named after Camille Lighter I think...).  If you've ever read or heard of a book called "The Ghosts of Fort Brown" you're familiar with many of the stories.  Click that "link" below and it will open the webpage in a new window.

--> The Ghosts of Fort Brown Webpage <--

I really need to insert more info here especially for the photographer who took these awesome photos... I'm pretty sure it's Gaston Photography.  I took a few photos but we rather see his.

This scene ties in with the actual legend of the bugler who has been seen or heard or both riding down the paseo which runs along the tennis courts today but has always been a road where cavalry soldiers rode their horses.  

I know this actor is famous here and in Mexico but I do not recall her name.  I'll get producer and director and all I can  later... Producer is in 3rd and 4th photos I think.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

1987 Senor Don Pedro's Party

This is memorable from the time I arrived in Brownsville so here's a li'l quiz for you longtime residents or historians.  I'll bet political historians could knock this one out of the park.  I can only name about seven of them but if anyone has photos of this pachanga at Friendship Gardens let's see 'em!

So if you've put your heads together and named all the characters why not see who can name the artist Brownsville had at the time who drew these political cartoons.  That should be easy right?

Thanks again to Dale Stevenson for sharing his memorabilia with Bronsbil Estacioners.